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Најнови корисни информации

Notification: Scheduled Maintenance - Dark Fiber Turn-Up 4 Jan 2024

THIS APPLIES TO SERVERS LOCATED AT OUR NEW YORK DATA CENTER This notification is to inform you of scheduled maintenance that may affect your StormerHost service. Please review the details of this notification to determine how it will affect your service. Event Type: Dark Fiber Turn-Up Start: 2024-01-05 3:30pm GMT ----- ... Повеќе »


Dear Valued Customers, Our offices will break for the Christmas holidays at the close of Friday 22nd December 2023 and we will resume duty on Wednesday, 3rd Jan 2024. Our telephone lines will not be active since the office will be closed. However, there will be a skeleton staff on duty during the holidays. Please forward all your support ... Повеќе »

Emergency Maintenance - Voltage Sensor Critical(10/9/2023) 9 Sept 2023

THIS APPLIES TO SERVERS ON - AT THE LOS ANGELES DATA CENTER This notification is to inform you of an emergency maintenance that may affect your StormerHost service. Please review the details of this notification to determine how it will affect your service. Event Type: Voltage Sensor Inspection/Replacement Start: ... Повеќе »

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